
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Buggy Monday Tuesday Too!

Monday's Typofixes:
1) Viking body attack - now the popup says "Ragnarok" instead of Rangnarok

2) The Valkyrie series SC and NSC models - back shoulder effect in enemy status view now says Surgery instead of Sugery
Skuld, Hrund, Brynhildr, Hlokk, Skalmold, Herja

I know it doesn't sound like a huge lot of fixes, but I fixed these all by myself - granted, it's not terribly tough ... once I learned where to look - but I'm still pretty proud of myself! Vivi tested to be sure I didn't break anything while fixing them - thanks, Vivi!

Tuesday Fix, plus another typofix:

The big, important fix, thanks to Korin, is that now you absolutely MUST gain 100% control of the Dojo before you can advance to the Snake Temple.  This was getting people stuck.  Sorry!  Now, after you gain 100% control, you will be able to complete the Snake quest and move forward! (And you shouldn't see the Snake quest at all until you have 100% Dojo Control!)

Then, a series of typos are now fixed in the Mantis quest, where in various places, instead of Mantis the word Monkey was showing.

We are now getting this week's release ready - prepare for a little break from Yokai because the 4th of July Holiday is on its way!  We have some serious fireworks in store for you... Now that I have finished pestering Korin with my Thousand Tuesday Questions, he is concentrating on tweaking that 4th of July mecha and working on a very fun quest, so as usual, stay tuned for more infoz!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Tiger Weapons Specials

And here they are..... the specials for the Tiger Weapons.

This time they have similar specials as the enemy attacks.
FA, NG, 1 Hit:
- 1.2 times Damage
- chance for a crit
- chance for a BtH NoT of -3 per turn, doesnt wear off
BA, NSC (SC,NG), 4 Hits
- Increasing damage for every Hit
- chance per Hit for 3 (4,5) general damage boost, adds up, doesn´t wear off
Head, SC, 1 Hit:
- 1.2 times damage 
- chance for +40 BtH, lasts 5 turns
- chance for Damage NoT, -5% per turn, doesn´t wear off
Hope you like them :)
And as always..... have fun!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tiger Master Released!

Greetings everyone!  It seems like ages since I have written the MechQuest Design Notes!  When Korin asked me if I could oversee release while he was away,  I nearly jumped out of my seat with excitement!  I am honored to bring you this week's release!  

Anyway,  this week,  we have the Tiger Master on Planet Yokai!  The way to his shrine may only be revealed to a true master of the various Yokai fighting styles!  Can you figure out the mystery of the gongs and challenge the powerful Tiger?  Watch out!  Tiger style is all about hitting hard...  and then harder...  and then even harder!  Can you counter the awesome power of the Tiger?

The Tiger shrine quest breaks from the recent Yokai mold.  You will not have to fight any waves of enemies before entering the Tiger Shrine,  Instead you will have to go to the shrine and solve the riddle of the gongs in order to locate the secret entrance and challenge the Tiger Master!  Also,  we added an awesome new Fast Travel button that will appear in the Yokai camp after you have gained 100% control of the Dojo.  This fast Travel button will instantly transport you to the Dojo.   Yay!  no more random encounters!

The MechQuest team is going at maximum overdrive for the next few weeks!  We still have this month's SC Monthly mecha,  the 4th of July mecha, and the Yokai finale in the works...

I also had a lot of fun play-testing the One-Eyed Doll Live Event in AQ Wolrds this week!  It is really spectacular and One-Eyed Doll rocks!  This is my favorite AQW release yet!  (I am admittedly biased towards all Mythsong related events).  Anyway, It is definitely worth checking out!  Remember tonight at 8pm Server time!

I hope everyone enjoys tonight's Yokai release!  I had a lot of fun making the Gongs :)



Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maegwyn Tests the Shiny!

The very first Design Notes posted using the Shiny New System! 

The first, most important thing I'd like to do is to share this sneak peek at the 4th of July mecha designed by J6:

Sneak Peak

Read More


Monday, June 21, 2010

Weapon Specials!!

And here they are, new Weapon specials :)

- Increased damage for every Hit
- Hit 1: chance for -40 BtH
additional chance for -20 damage (-30, -40)
- Hit 2: chance for -40 defense
additional chance for a normal HP DoT

1.5 times damage
chance for a BtH BoT, +10 per turn for 5 turns
chance for a defense BoT, +8 per turn for 5 turns
chance for a general damage BoT, +8 per turn for 5 turns

1.4 (1.2) times damage
chance roll for a damage boost for the hit, roll between 40-60(30-50)
chance roll for a EP DoT for 3 turns

As always: have fun!!!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Gremlins-Squished Monday!

Korin fixed two pesky and much-desired-to-be-fixed Gremlins today:

Mohawk Back Arm:
The decrease in opponent's stun resistance is now working as intended; you will find that you have a much higher rate of stunning against those with high stun-res!

Seed Shooters:
This weapon's stun resistance was also not working as intended, causing an unusually high failure rate. Now, equip for hugely increased chance of success!

Two fixes don't sound like a lot, but this is actually huge - these required tons of testing - big thanks to Vivi for the assist! We also began work on some future fixes that require more tweaking and testing - may I say I hate NaN with a passion? I do love naan bread though, so go figure... ha ha ha!

Korin has laid out the guidelines for this week's release, and Warlic will be "driving the bus," as they say. We've got a full team even with Korin's mini-away-ness (he's just one text-message away, and my phone is charged and ready; note that he already prepped everything so we are all good)! I am sure you will be delighted with what we've got in store for this Friday, and I can hardlly wait...

Also today, Warlic coded up the initial monster for the next Temple of Masters assault, so we're already making progress towards Friday! This boss is now in balance mode, as he's tough tough tough. Speaking of which - incoming transmission from blues!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Mantis Master!

Long time no see. I've been swamped! Today, not so much. First, I would like to announce that the Mantis Master has been revealed! Not quite what you expected but don't be fooled, he packs a huge punch. You know... When he can at least.

New weapons! In Miko's shop, you'll find a new shoulder weapon as well as a new head weapon! They use elements that should be feared! The reward item for defeating the Mantis is also ghastly. I believe Blues will have the details soon? I guess I could check. Stupid laziness. While I wait, I'll.. nevermind. He hasn't yet so yes! He will have the details soon. Sure I could delete this mass of text above me but nah.

There's some humor in this week's release. It is a little bit more of the same stuff but don't worry. Once this main Yokai story mode is finished, there will be more to do including a special fancy SC only quest. The new C-Mail is continuing to be worked on and while I won't be available to work on it next week, I may be able to get a lot of work done on it the week after. That said, Warlic will be assisting with the release next week! Woot!

Speaking of old faces helping out, we also had J6 design a 4th of July mech! So look forward to that. I think I'll post a picture of it on Monday so be ready.

As for the SC mecha, we're still working on him but he's ready to be animated. We have a lot of stuff to do and very little time but it should be a great beginning to July.

I also want to say I love seeing the entries for the Art Museum and I'm hoping to see many more. I already have my own list of favorites so keep up the good work everyone.

Anywho, long DNs short, have a great weekend everyone. Please enjoy the release. See you Monday! Later.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Unbugglifying... Wednesday!

We had a "Buggy Monday" that was tested further on Tuesday, with typofixes added, and then finalized and rolled Live on Wednesday this week. When you log in, here is the list of what we've fixed:
House Mascot weapons now work properly when you are in the correct House, and disable properly when you are not
Exiting the Dojo on Planet Yokai now properly loads your character into the scene, so you're not invisible.
Circe's Museum Map dialogue no longer cuts off when playing in the smallest resolution.

Zargon Comic Issue #5 - now displays player name on 'page 2'
Police Zone - Many typos fixed, in the police station and within the quests!

Along with all this fixing, we've been working steadily on this week's upcoming release and continuing to prepare some of the things we've been hinting at in Design Notes and Newsletters..

The Story Project continues (in-game instructions for meeting the requirements for The Dragonoid Saga) - this involves such things as recording the technical details of precisely what opens up when, taking account of people having done quests in a non-linear progression. O I got SO MAD at Mayor Roy Silver! 4 steps ago, the new Story Buttons told me: "Qjik-Han needs some help with a project. He's just west of Arin-Ha and Jhaek-Ha in the Khaeldron Research Labs. " Then I completed Catch a Thief - and he told me to... go help Qjik-Han at the research labs...I was all yelling at him, "I JUST DID THAT, IDJIT!"

However, after further testing of possible quest completion sequences, Vivi assures me that my "Wait, WHAT did you just say?" reaction was a fluke...So yeah, we're working to get this properly accurate progression-wise, rather than pushing something out telling you to do x when you know nothing of y as of yet. Because it's not just about what you need to do - it's a matter of when, and why! (Huge shout-outs to Vivi & Lyris & Korin for the team effort here!)

Another thing we've kept hinting at is a Star-Captain-Only quest. It's been "Coming Soon" in the newsletter for weeks now. The pre-planning on this has resulted in its turning into an awesome quest (if I do say so myself) - and it fits better into a timeframe that is still a few releases away. So yes, it is coming soon - when the time is right!

Khelios (formerly known as Personater) is the Head Moderator of the Mech Quest Art Museum Submissions Forum - he told the entire AE staff about the REALLY awesome submissions coming in already! So please check out the art your fellow-players are submitting, and don't hesitate to post your own! We're all insanely psyched about the Art Museum displaying your selected submissions!

Now, speaking of the Art Museum... many of you have been hunting madly for the 'hidden feature' - those boxes that say, "Do not kick," and that one next to it that says there's a noise coming from it? If you're there... you're in the right place. Reading the anticipation on the forums, I'm rather certain that some of you have found the existing 'feature' already and were perhaps expecting something spectacular when in fact it is currently set up as "amusing...." It was something I had to position just right for it to work at all,.. but in fact, it's not like it turns into a Jack-in-the-Box or anything. It's just a combination of 'possible action' plus 'mouseover' that's funny...

Have fun - be safe - and don't forget to add a little ketchup!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Weapon Specials!

A tad late but not too late :)

Banana - BS
- Increasing damage for every Hit
- Hit 1: chance for a damage boost for this hit
- Hit 2: chance to get no damage the next turn
- Hit 3: chance for a crit

SC and NG versions have higher damage and lower rolls.

Soul Nuke NSC and FS:
- 1.2 times damage
- chance for a defense BoT, +10 for 3 turns
- chance for a defense NoT, -10 for 3 turns

Tengu Wing SC/NG, BS: (=NG)
- Increased damage
- Hit 1: chancefor acc BoT, +15 (+18) per turn, 3 turns
- Hit 2: chance for acc NoT, -15 (-18) per turn, 3 turns
- chance roll for an extra Hit. Gives additional a normal HP DoT for 3 turns

As always....

Have fun!


Friday, June 11, 2010

I Said, "Yea! The Monkey!"

Miko is totally getting antsy to hurry up and get past all the Masters in Yokai - can you defeat the Master of the Monkey Temple? You may want to equip a nice energy blade, and the new Ninja costume setup complete with the Yokai Blade would also be a good setup (if you're not holding onto a rare costume, that is). The Temple Defenders may have switched strategy slightly, so it's good to be prepared!

Korin was planning even more variety here, but the engine didn't cooperate with his planned minigame... silly old engine ... if we tuned it up, would it get an attitude adjustment? Hehe - anyway... so yeah, minigame just couldn't happen. We think you'll still enjoy the journey toward the Monkey Temple!

Don't forget to pop into Miko's regular shops for the new shoulder weapons! And if and when you defeat the Master of the Monkey Temple, there's another cool shoulder weapon reward waiting. You'll probably go totally bananas over it...

Story button is still in progress to help you with all the prerequisites - for now, please access the new release from the menu on the right-hand side of Soluna Main. And if you can't enter the dojo yet, go to Miko in the camp and do her first quest!

Don't forget to drop by AQWorlds and check out the wedding of Cysero and Nursey! Best wishes going out to them on behalf of the entire Mech Quest team!! And on that note, I'd like to wish all of you a wonderful fantabulous weekend!


Monday, June 7, 2010


Warlic performed his magic on the NaN insta-kill that was occurring against the Crane (if you stunned him) - and that was also happening if you got stunned while wearing the AC-490

Other fixes to AC-490:
-non-default shoulders now equip frontwards
-name & description of default shoulders is also no longer backwards (I fixed that last week actually, & forgot to mention it)
-Ticklish Zorbo now negates the default Front Arm's Defense BoT (it was allowing you to buff up too quickly when used together) - when the Zorbo effect wears off, you now must use the FA again to start over from +8, increasing.

Korin also fixed these things today:
# King Techdorah shoulder - back shoulder HP DoT now works
# Corrupted Arthurian Lion bug where the boost effect on ShS only worked once before needing a re-equip is now fixed
# Masque of the Bat life tap is now damaging the opponent, and the 30% damage boost is applying
to the attack

It doesn't look like anyone on the forums has figured out the hidden "feature" in the Museum at the pair of boxes yet. It is still too early to spoil it, I think, so I will tell you that it is in the sculpture area, it is not the pair of boxes with the extra arrow, and it is not in the room with the Employees Only door. Those are the only hints I'll give you for now... *stops whispering*

And now, as promised, the note from Blues!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weapons Specials!

Specials for the new Weapons :)

Chichinobake: NG, CD 3
- 1.5 times Damage
- chance for a 1.5 time HP DoT for 3 turns
- chance for a 1.5 time EP DoT for 3 turns
- chance for a BtH NoT, -10 per turn for 3 turns

Kanabo: SC, CD 3
- chance for a crit
- chancel for a def nerf of -30
- chance for a damage NoT, -10 per turn for 3 turns

Harionago: NSC, CD 5
- Hit 1: chance for a crit
- Hit 2: chance for a general damage buff of 20 for 6 turns
- Hit 3: chance for a 1.25 time HP DoT for 5 turns

Crane Heads
- 1.2 damage
- chance for a damage Bonus between 40 and 70%

- 1.4 damage
- chance for a damage Bonus between 40 and 70%
- chance for a BtH NoT, 3 turns, -10 per turn

- 1.4 damage
- chance for a damage Bonus between 40 and 70%
- chance for a BtH NoT, 3 turns, -10 per turn
- chance for a defense BoT, 3 turns, +10 per turn

Here we had fantastic weather, up to 29° C.
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend :)

Have fun as always!


Friday, June 4, 2010

A Door is Open!

Yes, in Soluna City - go West until you see the banner! It's no secret any more, actually - check out the new wing of the Museum! Watch your step (and watch for hidden "mouseovers" as you go - did you find them all yet? There's also a little hidden 'feature' if you stand in the right place next to a pair of boxes - I kind of doubt whether anyone will discover it without more hints, but you might surprise me...) It's all under construction, because the Museum's Board of Directors is waiting for your submissions! Talk to Circe to find out more! And be sure to click the link she gives you! Or you can just click here also, to get to the Mech Quest Art Museum submissions forum! (It's the same link she gives you in-game.) Please do read the rules before beginning your amazing creations, to be certain that they fit the guidelines, and be sure to follow the forum rules when you post :) We're all totally excited about seeing what you submit for consideration! This is an on-going feature, so you'll have plenty of chances to post - and perhaps your artwork will be selected for a month-long display in the Museum! Good Luck!

Also new: Travel to Yokai using the New Release button in Soluna City, and speak to Miko at the Dojo about the Crane Master! Don't forget to check her shops, as we have new weapons, again more awesome by Minar with specials designed by blues!! (Oh and blues will have Design Notes about those specials plus the Crane Master reward later this weekend.)

Thanks for playing MechQuest! Have a fantastic weekend!