
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenges

Star Date: 30 August, 3014

Did you see the AE on-site team doing the Ice Bucket Challenge at the Lab yet? Watch it here

There are a lot of us who work elsewhere, so there's more silliness to watch.

Here's Blade

Gianna Glow challenged Lyris and me to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. Here is her video:

Here is Lyris

Here I am: (Mine is a series of three because you can't really see what happens at the end of part one as the lighting is extremely bright. It was about 80 bazillion degrees outside and my first batch of ice had already nearly melted.)

Gianna Glow also has an important note from the Bughunters:

Anything about loading being stuck on the loading screen isn't a bug. Thats the result of us joining with the DF servers if I understand things correctly. To fix this they need to clear cache and relog. We're getting a lot of those bug reports and they can't be fixed.

I will let Captain Rhubarb know that we're getting a lot of these reports and will see whether he can do some kind of magic to improve this issue. For now, please just try clearing your cache and logging in again if it happens to you - and sorry for the inconvenience!

The AE panel is happening now (2:30 Eastern Time) in Grand Salon D at the Hilton - if you're at Dragon*Con you can sign up with Ash to get your Genuine  DragonConquest Scepter. Sorry I can't be there with you this year.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Beard Blaster

Star Date: 13  August, 3014

Thanks for all the birthday wishes on the forums and twitter ... and I haven't even gotten over to Facebook yet. The birthday credits and xp bonus is still in effect through Friday, so please enjoy it!

In case you didn't know, Lyris and Ash conspired to build me a birthday mecha! You'll find it in the Soluna City Main shop.  From what I hear, Lyris had a concept for the specials design after she arted & animated the mecha, and Ash coded it. What a great surprise! Here's the rundown:

Iron Cook series 
Each mecha scales 

CD 3 
1 hit 
100% chance to Crit 
Energy Regen halt for 1-3 turns. (Random each time) 
1.5/2/2.5x DoT for 3 turns. 

CD 4 
3 hits 
150% damage 
Boost nerf for 4 turns. 
-10/15/20 per successful hit 
Defense nerf for 4 turns. 
-10/12/15 per successful hit 

CD 3 
2 hits 
Damage increases each use, either shoulder, up to 200%. 
+10/12/15 per use. 
Nerfs Immobility by -100 and attempts to stun. 

CD 3 
10 hits 
% damage per hit 
30%, 30%, 30%, 35%, 35%, 40%, 40%, 45%, 45%, 50% 

Extra BtH per hit. (Not cumulative, the number here is the amount added to that hit) 
+5, +10, +15, +20, +25, +25, +25, +25, +25, +25 

CD 4 
5 hits 
200% damage 
Increases your Bonus with each hit. 
+8/10/12 per successful hit. Lasts for 4 turns. 
Increases Boost with each hit. 
+3/4/5 per successful hit. Lasts for 4 turns.

You can also pick up the Otter head and the Pan E-Blades in the Birthday Shop. 

Ah, and here's Ash now!

Greetings! Just wanted to stop in and let you know about a couple of things that'll be happening this week.

First off, the Traveler will be leaving to parts unknown this Friday. No one really knows when he'll return so if you want any of his items make sure to get this before Friday evening!

Next, the Chaos Mecha and Items will be moving to the Event screen. You can get there by clicking the Shops button, it's next to the travel button on that bottom bar, and then clicking the "Event" button with the clock picture up at the top. This is also where the free Golden Mecha are, so you can pick one of those up as well. I didn't want anyone to think the Chaos stuff just dissappeared! 

For the release this week we'll have another quest in the Beard chain! The idea for the whole chain was thought up by Blade and ACW0, so if you like it make sure to let them know! Blade even made a beardy head weapon for this weeks release!

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