
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Floorivator is Flibberty

Overheard at the Knife & Spork

GEARS Student: "Where is the Anniversary Party?"

Maegwyn: Well of course this is that time of year when the Floorivator actually works!  Usually!

GEARS Student: Well the Floorivator isn't working at Tek's

Maegwyn: It's gone flibberty...

GEARS Student: "Is there a party this year?"

Maegwyn: Party like it's 3009!  ...3008!  ...3007!

We are absolutely opening up the party for celebrations this month - we have a couple of starship items prepared, along with some other Anniversary trinkets.  It looks like we should have that sprocket by Friday to de-flibbert the Floorivator, and we're still on track with the Dropship revamp for this month as well.

I had intended to consult with blues and Vivi before posting the following, because of the arm cooldowns, which I'd left at 2 but perhaps they really ought to be at 3 - but anyway here is info on the SCMM and Birthday Newbatron specials!

Vivi says:

Wow, did we really forget descriptions...those will get added when someone who can do it has time (don't know if it can be done before Monday or not).

(Maegwyn says: oops... Right-o.  My fault... sorry!  I'll get on that!  And now back to Vivi!)

Anyway, quick rundown of the specials on Nemesis so that everyone knows what it does.

First off: The Front Shoulder and Back Arm ONLY work while all defaults are equipped. If you change anything their specials disappear (so when you customize it make sure to replace those two).

Front Arm (1 hit, CD = 2) <--intended at 3?
Damage starts at 125% and increases by 25% per use
-25 enemy defense for three turns

Back Arm (1 hit, CD = 2) <--intended at 3?
Damage starts at 125% and increases by 25% per use
-25 enemy bonus for three turns

Front Shoulder (3 hits, CD = 3)
Increasing damage per hit
Hit 1: -25 enemy defense for three turns, stacks with front arm
Hit 2: 1.5x HP DoT for three turns
Hit 3: 1.5x EP DoT for three turns

Back Shoulder (3 hits, CD = 3)
Increasing damage per hit
Hit 1: -15 enemy bonus for three turns, stacks with back arm
Hit 2: 1.5x HP DoT for three turns, stacks with front shoulder
Hit 3: 1.5x EP DoT for three turns, stacks with front shoulder

Head (4 hits, CD = 5)
Increasing Damage per Hit
Crit chance on each hit

Body (4 hits, CD = 5)
Increasing damage per hit
Hits 1 and 3 have a high crit chance
Hit 2 lowers immobility resist
Hit 4 attempts to stun


And while I'm on it, here are the specials for the Anniversary Newbatrons. The NG model has an additional 30 EP as an extra bonus.

Front Arm (2 hits, CD = 3)
Single EP DoT for three turns

Back Arm (2 hits, CD = 3)
Single EP DoT for three turns

Front Shoulder (1 hit, CD = 3)
Crit chance

Back Shoulder (1 hit, CD = 3)
Crit chance

Head (4 hits, CD = 4)
+25 boost and bonus for three turns

Body (1 hit, CD = 4)
Chance for any one of the following:
3007: Guaranteed Stun
3008: Extra hit
3009: 3 turn HP DoT (1x for NSC, 1.5x for SC, 2x for NG)
3010: Heal HP equal to the damage done

Floorivator: Which way is up?