Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Answers from Practel and Poetry From Gibby
Star Date 2 October 3012:
Practel Answers More Questions!
Hiya guys! First off - it's like 10:30PM, and I'm pretty burnt out from lack of sleep, but the Design Notes must go on! So here's some questions!
CardClasher_99 asks: Why is human blood red?
Why isn't it blue?
Sqwall asks: Does your nick name suggests that you are a practical person? (you know Practel/Practical kinda have the same ring to it) If the above statement is correct are you practically part of MQ or is MQ practically part of you? If you really are a practical person did you practice to be practical or were you born that way? If you guys could dance the Fusion Dance and fuse yourselves in a more powerful being(for the greater good of MQ of course) would you rather call yourself Plasma Practel or Practel Charge?
Yep. I'm a pretty practical person. I hope I'm practically part of MQ... I wouldn't want MQ to literally be apart of my insides :P. Born that way. Also, totally Practel Charge. Flows with Plasma Charge imo.
AustinPanzer asks: Are there any mecha designs in MQ that you feel could be better or tweaked now that the game is nearing 5 years in age?
I honestly can't answer that. While I do test - I don't know every mecha in the game, but at the same time I think that the style and the way the mecha's are created is quite unique, and awesome as is.
Welp. I think that's going to be it for me tonight. Gibby has a poem which he wanted me to include - so here's his poem!
Thanks, Practel! And now... I actually intended to post this yesterday:
Gibby Waxes Poetic!
It’s time again to check,
Inside your favourite mech,
Is planet Loreon today still at peace?
It’s time you might have guessed,
To visit your game Mechquest,
We’ll find out soon in this week’s release.
Buy a new mech before you start,
With colors that are slate of the art,
here you can take nothing for granite.
Make sure nothing goes wrong,
With your brand new nubertron,
If you want to have a space party, you have to planet.
If you are familiar with the writing style above, then you'll know that it's Gibby doing this week's DN's. If you aren't famliar with this, it's still Gibby doing the notes. As I live in the "land down under" I have to use fliptext to write this so you can read the words the right way around. OK, so I made that up. I'll be sewious now. This week's Mechquest release brings you a Jemini redesigned Nubertron as well as some new starship items. Happy Fifth Birthday Mechquest. High Five!
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