
Friday, November 30, 2012

Flavescent Friday

Star Date 30 November, 3012:

Incoming transmission from Plasma Charge!

Flavescent Friday! It’s Friday - this week we released a fresh new Flavescent Friday shop with some fantastic gear! This year’s shop includes rares from the legendary Arthurian Vs Pirate war, Friday the 13th, and past springtime rares by the ever-awesome Charfade! The shop also contains an assortment of permanent  content at a deep discount, which should be fun to fight with! The sale will be on until Monday at 5pm EST, so be sure to snatch these bargains while you can.

G.E.A.R.S.  Games coming… soon?

As the year draws to its end we are all working overtime to bring you an awesome set of releases, so here’s a little preview of  a new weapon coming for the Games! Well that’s about all from me for this week. Have a good weekend and welcome to December!"

Thanks, Plasma Charge!

It is a little later than tradition would have it, as US Thanksgiving was last week, but I would still like to take a moment now to thank all of you all over the world who play MechQuest! We are very committed to bringing you high-quality content. Your dedication and support is awesome, and we love creating releases for you! 

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!