Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Notes on April Fool
Star Date: 2 April, 3014
<*incoming transmission from Ash*>
As the whole MQ team is now aware it's dangerous to let me write stuff for releases. I volunteered to work on this release and wrote a script. All of us had a bunch of ideas and I tried to put as many of them into this. It had a LOT of stuff in it, like a LOT of new art stuff that had to be made and bunches of dialog. Lyris did an amazing job on the new backgrounds and some of the assets and Plasma worked on something cool for the second part. Mae also deserves major props for spending a LOT of time making the rest of the backgrounds and art assets and especially for building the whole quest and making it work. (Thanks again Mae!)
Part 1 is live now and Part 2 will be out as soon as it's ready.
Also the 4pri1 mech has been revived!
It's got all new specials that Blues came up with.
Head: CD=5
- BtH NoT, -7 (8,10) per turn- damage BoT, +5 (6,7) per turn- immores decrease 50 (60,70) for 5 turns---> tries to stun every turn, roll 30 (40,50) every turn
BA: CD=3
- 1x (1.5x, 2x) HP DoT
FA: CD=3
- damage NoT, -7 (8,10)per turn- damages also EP with 25% of damage done
BS: CD=0
- damage buff (weapon only) +10 (15,25%), caps at 200%
FS: CD=3
- 1x (1.5x, 2x) EP DoT- heals EP with 50% of damage done
Body: CD=5
- immores buff +100- defense BoT + 7(8,10) per turn- buffs DoT by +15(25,40%) per turn til end of fight, caps at 200%
It's available from the opening of the new quest so go check it out!
There were a few bugs when it initially came out but Vivi came in and helped squash the body bugs for me and I was able to fix most of the restof them this morning.
Some of you remember that other mech that came out at the same time as the 4pril.Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about it. It will be out...soon.
Hope you all enjoy part 1 and part 2 when it's complete!
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