Friday, October 3, 2014
After Reset
Star Date: 3 October, 3014
Incoming Transmission - From Ash:
Many of you have been asking what we had planned for the next big storyline and now you all can find out! You can access the new quest, which will begin the brand new main storyline, in Soluna Main right now!
Right now you'll be able to access it without having to play "The End", the end of the previous main storyline, but that will change in two weeks. If you haven't completed the ending, which includes the conclusion of the biggest war against the Shadowscythe ever, you really should first as this new quest might be a bit confusing if you haven't.
There's also a limited time reward if you complete the quest now. There's a brand new mecha drawn and animated by Minar!
After this week it'll be replaced with a new mecha created by Lyris with a few additions by myself. The mecha by Lyris and I will be around permanently though as the reward from this quest.
Make sure to be careful when attempting the quest, the enemy inside has resistances to 2 damage types as well as the ability to gain additional resistances as you battle against him. This'll be a really tough fight if you aren't careful!
This quest is only possible thanks to the entire team. We all spent months planning and coming up with ideas, especially for the new main villian. I wrote and built the quest but Maegwyn, Lyris, Gianna, Minar, and everyone else on the team contributed so much to get this ready. This storyline is going to have you exploring all over as time goes on, to planets and places in the universe you haven't seen yet. It's going to be a wild ride and I hope you'll keep checking back to see how crazy it gets!
I also want to take a second and thank all of you, the players. Without you we wouldn't have anyone to make this content for. Your support and feedback is what makes us that much more excited to do things every week. The amount of support recently for MechQuest made me work extra hard on this quest to show you all that we're going to continue to put out the best content we can for you guys.
Enjoy the quest and let us know what you think of it and the new enemy!
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