
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Artix Entertainment 2011 Wall Calendar!

There are two big projects going on right now, one made by us, and one made by your fellow players!

First up, the Artix Entertainment 2011 Wall Calendar!  This is a project we've wanted to do for about six months, and a month or two ago we realized "hey, it's almost 2011. We should really start making this calendar if we're going to get it to the players on time."

The calendar will feature female NPCs from our Artix Entertainment games set on backgrounds appropriate to the month's theme.  (So December will have Aisha on a snowy background, and October will have Safiria on a Mogloween-themed background!) Mido, our newest graphic design artist, is hard at work on the calendar, and is featuring the following month/NPC pairs:

  • January:    Fae
  • February:    Beleen
  • March:        Ai No Miko
  • April:        Geopetal
  • May:        Jemini
  • June:        Faith
  • July:        Nythera
  • August:        Reens
  • September:    Alina
  • October:    Safiria
  • November:    Oishii
  • December:    Aisha

We'll also include significant dates from Artix Entertainment's history and the games (big events, beta and alpha dates, AE holidays, etc) so that you'll know just when to make time to play the Mogloween event, or to check out Frostval or Hero's Heart Day!

The calendar will sell on HeroMart (so we should probably finish that up pretty fast. Right, Ai No Miko? /patpat).  We can't wait for you to see it, and more details on pricing will be available as we get further details!

* More appearances by Fae that AREN'T in-game! This must be the longest-running joke we've ever made.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make the cut :[

Korin Calendar Girl

But that shouldn't hurt your decisions of picking up this awesome Calendar.

I've also just been informed that there will be a free in-game item in all the games when you buy the calendar(meaning you get the item in every game you have an account in). I'm not sure what it is yet but it will definitely exist.