Friday, September 16, 2011
TLAPD 2011!!
That's right, folks. It's time for Talk Like a Pirate Day. Well almost. It's certainly close enough for us to have a nice weekend event about it. We have a 15% bonus for Star Captains in effect right now and a 10% bonus in experience and credits for non-Star Captains so start farming! I'm only planning on having the boost available the end of Monday. The event shops will remain until Friday. Plenty of time to get some cool stuff from yesteryears and this year.
Next week I want to get the salvage quest working which may require a few more happy new weapons and meanwhile, I'd like to get Maegwyn and company to start working on the next story content since we haven't had a chance to start yet.
Also, I heard your complaints and Tek's shop no longer removes items from the shops below your level. It only hides weapons that are above your level + 3 so as you level up, you'll be seeing cool new stuff pop in. I say "you" but I basically mean new players. I'm sure you understand.
So things are coming along. I hope you all talk like pirates. I'm terrible at pirate-talking. Enjoy the fancy new weapons. Minar colored the Blundergat and the Flintlock and I did a hack job with the colors for the Cutlass. I'm terrible with colors D: I did design the tresure chest for the minigame though. I think that came out pretty.
Enjoy your weekends!
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