
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sneak peek at the upcoming SCMM

The latest SCMM is animated, thanks to Arklen, and colored/set up for color-customizing, thanks to Minar - with specials designed by blues and coding by Vivi, and I've got them set up with numbers and names and descriptions in the database - and it's only Thursday?? Minar actually wrapped this up last night and sent along this sneak-peek for you!


Behold the Dharmahp!

Vivi & I will be tweaking and testing it for power-balance and Gremlins over the next hours so that it will be as close to perfect as we can get it for Friday's release!  This is a damage-dealing dynamo!!

I'm working on the quest for tomorrow & need to get the town file set as well, so I'll keep this short. Will get a newsletter out as well & I'm sure we'll put something about the quest in it - so check your emails in a few hours (and the MechQuest General Discussion Forum for a topic about it)!

Tags: #Maegwyn