Thursday, January 13, 2011
Naming of the SCMM and More Answers
Korin chose the name for this SCMM from your suggestions on the forums. This model's name, the Vanguard, was suggested by blackshock and was one of those that were quite popular with the naming thread participants. I looked through the thread also, and discovered that people prefer having specific names for each level rather than just Vanguard V2, Vanguard V10 and so on. Many of the adjectives were suggested by Clyde and Soldato J - and I added a couple.
- V2 - Just plain ol' "Vanguard"
- V10 - Sturdy Vanguard
- V16 - Tough Vanguard
- V20 - Steadfast Vanguard
- V24 - Tenacious Vanguard
- V28 - Reinforced Vanguard
- V33 - Fortified Vanguard
- V38 - Resolute Vanguard
- V43 - Staunch Vanguard
And now, some answers to your questions! I am still going through for the ones specifically asked of me, for now. Feel free to add to the questions thread - the link to it is here
LeoMart asks Hmmm Maegwyn... What'd be the first thing you'd do if you got kidnapped but you were able to run away?
I'd run away!
Dinoboy Whisperwind wants to know: Maegywn, do you (and all of the other staff members) like dinosaurs or any other prehistoric beats?? ("I do," he added with a grin.)
First off - What a great name you have! Now for the question... I was always fond of the Ankylosaurus - thought it was handy to have a mace for a tail! The flying ones are interesting and though this is later Jurassic, the Archaeopteryx is probably my favorite flying one. Seeing the huge dinosaur skeleton exhibits at the New York Museum of Natural History was truly awesome when I was small. The later Great Mammals such as the Smilodons (Sabretooth Tigers) and Wooly Mammoths are also very cool.
Hellsoarer asks: What is your FAVORITE video game and what is your FAVORITE Godzilla character and what is your FAVORITE mecha in MechQuest and do you usually see Korin with or without his bag and what is your FAVORITE type of pasta and do you have a pet and if so what is their name, Maegwyn?
I am terrible at picking a FAVORITE anything really, but your questions might not be too hard...
My FAVORITE video game is going to still have to be the original Diablo. There is just something about that dark, brooding atmosphere as you descend deeper into the catacombs... and how if you click on a shrine you have to be careful because it can actually do BAD, IRREVERSIBLE things (unless you go back to an earlier save-point... but what's the fun in that?)
My FAVORITE Godzilla character has to be Godzilla! The really bad old Godzilla before anything was fancy at all, and it was all hokey and unreal!
My FAVORITE mecha in MechQuest right now is the Chronomech because I had such a good time working on it with Vivi, I'm proud of my contribution (made a working button that allows us to have a new feature in combat now) - and I love that Steampunk-style design - but I do have a lot of favorites for different reasons. I might have answered a similar question earlier.
The first time I saw Korin in person was with his bag, actually! He works in the Secret Underground Lab and I work in a (separate) Undisclosed Location, so we don't get to see each other in person too often. When we do get to hang out, he's usually not "In the Bag" though.
My FAVORITE type of pasta is probably Vermicelli with White Clam Sauce. Linguini is ok too, but I like the texture of the super-thin pasta. I also like Asian Rice Vermicelli - does that count as pasta?
I do have a pet! He is a black cat and he has a few names, as all respectable cats should. His formal name is Little Bear, because he looks like a little black bear and sometimes stands on two legs to reach up to me when he wants to be petted. His short nickname, which is actually on his tag, is Peeps - because he doesn't usually meow... he "peeps" like a bird. His long nickname is Mr. Peepers - a lot of people call him that, though I usually don't.
XxArchfiendChaosxX wants to know: do you watch/used to watch any popular animes?like dbz?naruto?bleach?
if so,what are your favorite characters from those animes?
Actually I haven't gotten into any animes at all. That's probably really weird. I think a lot of the artists are talented and the art style as a whole genre is cool, but I haven't really sat down and watched any.
Selutu asks: How is it like working with all the other MQ staff?
I absolutely love working with all the other MQ staff! We are such a good team - so many talented people. Since I'm not sitting in the same room with any of them, we communicate on MSN, IRC, the forums, via e-mail, or sometimes texting / phone calls. That is interesting because it's a different style of communication - in a way I think it makes us very tightly-knit despite the physical distances between a lot of us. And mainly it's fun - sure, it's a lot of work and sometimes I'm stressed - but I can have fun while being stressed, which is also very cool.
I think that's all I have time for tonight. I have some more work to do in the database for the mecha models, some people to check in with/talk with, and other things I should be getting organized! I'll see whether I can't get some more of our team to send along some answers for you, too!
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