Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Welcome 3014
Star Date: 31 December 3013 // 1 January 3014:
Happy New Year! To ring out the old year and ring in the new, we've added some new Candy Cane themed Partizan Energy Blades for everyone, and also some Starship Items for Star Captains. Go to the Frostval Replays button in Soluna City Main to get to the new shops. (Honestly I would have liked to do more, but I'm glad to have a few new things ready for you. I hope you've been enjoying all the year-end and New Year gifts and purchasables we've been bringing you!)
Giftbox News:
- Back Arm Giftbox is now fixed: it was displaying an unwrapped present from a year in the past.
- We customarily unwrap these at the turn of the New Year, but this year we are shifting the date to the first full week of the New Year. This means you still have time to upgrade to Star Captain if you have not already, and pick up your free giftbox weapons!
- Minar is putting together some terrific art & animation for this year's set!
Coming in 3014:
WAR! This was originally to be the Practel vs. Korin war, and it is undergoing some design modifications. Here's a note from Practel
Hi Guys,
I've been lurking the forums for some time and feel like I owe you guys an explanation to the Practel vs. Korin war. To get right to the point, the PvK war in its current state will not be released. Instead, another war will occur in its place. While I'm confident you guys will enjoy the new war, I hesitate to release information about it at this time. I believe part of the issue with the PvK war was that I announced it and hyped it far too early. A war is a huge project to undertake, and it was a mistake for me to want to do most of it by myself. While I genuinely wanted it to be a learning experience, I did not realize the amount of work it would take to make a great war. Furthermore, launching a huge-scale project only 2 weeks before school started for myself and some other team members was a big mistake. I couldn't commit to the project, which as a result, delayed it indefinitely.
While I know a few of you may know this, 2 months ago I left all of my Artix Entertainment responsibilities to focus on my school work as well as pursue new experiences and opportunities within the video game industry. I left Artix Entertainment and the MechQuest team with full support from my co-workers. Our team leader, Maegwyn, fully supported my decision and stressed that school must always come first. I miss the team a whole lot - they are a great group of people, and I'm extraordinarily happy I was able to work with them for so long - but I worked as a volunteer at AE for 2 years, and it was time for a change. I suppose I should have offered this explanation 2 months ago instead of now.
The team is a group of extremely talented people, and I know for a fact that they have some great ideas that they are excited to share with you guys soon. While the team may be small, they are full of ambition and desire and will get the job done.
I suppose I'll see you guys around later on, but if not,
Battle On!
We certainly miss Practel & wish him well - and we stay in touch! *waves at ol' Praccy* ... and then also coming in 3014...
The 89.7 GJNK Incidents Continue: Blade and ACW0 have a funny storyline cooked up so you will want to tune in for this!
Gark II: The dangerous planet of Gark holds more adventures in 3014, as promised.
Liath: The ends you thought were loose and dangling were just put on hold! There is more to discover.
AND MORE. As we firm our plans, we'll continue to reveal them!
Thank you all so much for playing MechQuest - your support and enthusiasm is contagious! Wishing you a healthy, happy, and adventure-filled New Year!
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