
Friday, December 21, 2012

Incoming Transmission: Plasma Charge!

Star Date: 21st  Dec 3012
Don’t fear the reaper! First off, if you’re reading this, congratulations on surviving the end of the world!Today is also special as it’s the winter solstice - the darkest day of the year, and the sign of brighter days to come. To celebrate, Freddy Yeti has new Reaper-themed weapons which have been designed to complement the Milziiga Sniegapika series of 3011!

Speaking of the Milziiga Sniegapika, you can now replay Frostval 3011, where you can pick up the mecha and its default weapons!

Snow more lag! The snowfall in Soluna City has lessened, which hopefully will reduce lag in and around the city area!

G.E.A.R.S. Games update! While Maegwyn will talk more about this I’d like to say the the new weapons that have been previewed over the past few weeks have all been animated, tested and are waiting to be released when the games come. The weapons have all been really fun in testing and I can’t wait for you guys to be able to use them!That’s all from me, I hope you all have a great weekend and an enjoyable holiday!~Plasma Charge

Gears Games: Vivi has the updated functionality set up & working; we are putting the finishing touches on them this weekend for you, and I'll roll 'em out as soon as they are ready & pass quality-control standards. I know you're eager to get the competition started at last & I know the team & I are excited about launching!  Keep your eyes open.

Have a fantastic weekend - enjoy the new Reaper set weapons and if you are celebrating seasonal holidays, be safe and have fun!  Talk with you again soon! =Mae