Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Nova Gem Options
Star Date: 15 July, 3015
Fourth of July Mecha: Staying until Friday, July 17, and then this seasonal rare will be out of the shop.
For those preferring to use Nova Gems for your purchasing power, a question or two:
Were you hoping to get enough Nova Gems from Ballyhoo?
Saving up Artix points?
Waiting for payday?
You mean you can buy a bunch of Nova Gems??? Ha! I had no idea.
What page do you use for your Nova Gem purchases?
Please let us know on the forums - or if you prefer Twitter, tag @MaegwynAE with the hashtag #MQNGS so we can work on meeting your needs.
I hope you are all having a great summer - staying cool in the Northern Hemisphere and keeping warm in the Southern Hemisphere. Doing anything new or special? I'm listening to lots of great music and taking guitar lessons in my spare time.
I'd like to make a big shout-out to Ash and Lyris for their dedication and hard work that they do to make exciting updates happen for you.
As always, thank you so much for playing MechQuest!
Connect with our online game community!