Tuesday, November 2, 2010
More Mogloween and Specials
First-off - you guys were amazing, tearing through the waves of enemies so quickly to get the rewards shops open and reach the Boss fight in record time! Again, Happy Mogloween! Now here are the specials for the war rewards weapons and Skelapunk mecha: thanks to blues for the design and to Vivi for the coding!
Pumpkin Shoulders, 4 Hits, NG
- Increasing damage per hit
- Hit 1: -30 enemy BtH, 3 turns
- Hit 2: chance for a crit
- Hit 3: -50 defense, doesn´t wear off
- Hit 4: chance for a crit
- Increasing damage per hit
- Hit 1: +30 player BtH, 3 turns
- Hit 2: chance for a crit
- Hit 3: +30 defense, doesn´t wear off
- Hit 4: chance for a crit
Tombstone Launcher
Front Arm , 1 Hit, NSC
- chance for a normal HP DoT, lasts 3 turns
- chance for a normal EP DoT, lasts 3 turns
- chance for a crit
Back Arm, 1 Hit, SC
- 1.5 times damage
- chance for a 1.5 time HP Dot, lasts 3 turns
- chance for a 1.5 time EP Dot, lasts 3 turns
Skelapunk Mecha:
Specials are mostly decided by the player's upgraded status regardless of whether they're using the NSC or NG variant, unless otherwise noted
Head (1 hit)
NSC: -25 bonus for 5 turns
SC: 125% damage, Bonus NoT (-10 per turn for 5 turns), General Damage Boost of 15 for 5 turns, 25 against shadowscythe and doesn't wear off
SC on NG model: General Damage Boost is 25 instead, 35 against Shadowscythe
Body (3 hits)
Increasing damage per hit
First hit lowers defense by 30 for 5 turns
Second hit lowers boost by 15 for 5 turns
Third hit has a high chance to crit
Increasing damage per hit
First hit gives a defense NoT of -12 per turn for 5 turns
Second hit gives a damage NoT of -10 per turn for 5 turns
Third hit has a high chance to crit
Front Arm (3 hits)
First hit has a chance to inflict an HP DoT
Second hit has a chance to inflict an EP DoT
Third hit has a chance to deal damage to EP equal to the HP damage
First Hit has a chance to inflict a 1.5x HP DoT
Second Hit has a chance to inflict a 1.5x EP DoT
Third Hit has a chance to deal damage to EP equal to the HP damage
SC on NG model:
Third Hit special deals 1.5x EP Damage
Back Arm (2 hits)
Both hits do increased damage
Additional special if the second hit connects:
NSCs: chance for an extra shot
SCs: chance for an extra shot, if that connects it deals damage to EP equal to the HP damage they took
SC on NG model: third hit is more powerful, EP damage is 1.5x the HP damage of the third hit
Shoulders (2 hits)
Start off at 120% damage for NSCs/125% damage for SCs, increase by 20% per use for NSCs/25% per use for SCs if the second hit connects
Thanks to Vivi for writing up the specials!
Many people commented on the forums in hope that the mecha would be color-customizable, and Korin does plan to add this feature for Star Captains and also for the Nova Gem model.
Mogloween 3010 isn't over! The story continues this week and next week! New side-quest before everything wraps up, plus more rewards and holiday items! I don't want to say too much, so I'll simply note that Evil Jim has some interesting fans - and that laying the smackdown on a certain someone will open up another nice reward - and that if you are a Star Captain, you'll want to have a look in the Swag shops! And that's not even all...
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