Thursday, September 16, 2010
More Mecha Slots!
That's right! We've talked about it recently here and there and we finally added it, and on a Thursday even! Enjoy 10 extra mech slots for all!
We're still working on the rest of the release for tomorrow which will include a new Talk Like a Pirate Day weapon along with all the old weapons from Pirates Day past.
Also, we're raising the level cap! Tomorrow! Assuming we're still on schedule! I think we are. Maegwyn is leading the level cap raise and she has not expressed many concerns to me so I'm certain things are going smooth. We should be rolling weapons and mechs that take advantage of these higher levels so feel free to be excited.
As for the current release schedule, I'm still revamping the Intro Shuttle to work a little different but not much and also hoping to add a skip feature so you can skip the dropship altogether so it's easier to get through if you're making extra characters. I'm hoping to make 1 or 2 new quests for it as well. The new intro shuttle should be up in the next couple of weeks.
So overall, good week so far. I also plan on releasing a preview photo of the upcoming SCMM. Any Star Captains out there ever feel like a Nemesis?
In other news, looks like we may be moving to the next Planet Mortis saga before tackling the new planet since time is not on our side. I can safely say prepare for more Evil Jim and maybe, MAYBE, a George Lowe (as a voice) appearance assuming we can get his lines figured out in time. It should be awesome if we can get everything figured out so we've got Lyris refining the script so we can have a good solid event. The previous Mortis events will be released with it and I think we will require that they be played prior to the new one but they should be small and simple.
In more other news, I'll be bugging Warlic and Rolith in the near future to help me finish revamping the energy blade fights. The Yokai class is a small example of what the rest will look like and handle like but I would like to get more effects like Damage over Times and buffs and nerfs to make it a little more than Strong Attack spam. Otherwise it might as well be a short cutscene everytime.
We also plan on adding more inventory slots in the future. Probably before the end of the year but we figure 10 more mech slots is plenty for now.
I certainly plan on focusing on the S.O.O.N. list in the future though I'm worried not all of them are doable.
Anywho, look forward to tomorrow! And the SCMM preview!
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