
Friday, May 2, 2014

Maypril the 4th E With You

Star Date 2 May 3014:

Well this is embarrassing... there's a critical issue with the Maypril quest involving cutscenes and player positioning that makes it unplayable and that has taken me way too long to sort out. So things remain color-faded until further notice. Which shouldn't be too much longer. But you know what they say about the best-laid plans... mmm scrambled eggs! It'll end up being better than it would have been. 

We're laying the groundwork for some great new features and continuing to plan ahead for a very exciting set of releases while we work on bugfixing. I am so excited about all of this coming together for you! 

May the 4th E With You: Be sure to log in on May the 4th to get a cool new holiday rare E-blade. Classic "lightsaber" styled weapons to fit the holiday. There will be versions for NSC, SC, and NG. Clarion made a whole lot of them, and Ash is inspired to add more colors - 

transmission incoming: it's Ash!

Greetings! Some of you mentioned that you weren't fans of the way the 4pri1 mech worked, so we took that into consideration for the Maypril mech. Blues and I talked about a few things and we came up with the following for this year.

F001 Series

Inflicts a 1x(1.5x/2x) HP DoT
Chance to inflict a x2(2.5x/3x) HP DoT instead.

Deals increased damage on hit. Amount is random.
3 turn increasing Defense nerf over time effect. -8(-9/-10) per turn.
(-8 -> -16 -> -24 -> expired)

Crit chance increase
4 turn enemy damage Nerf over Time effect. Starts at -25(-30/-35) and decreases by 8 per turn.
(-25 -> -17 -> -9 -> -1 -> expired)

Effect based on how many hits connected.
5 hits - Buffs Boost by 20(25/30) for 2 turns.
3-4 hits - Buffs Boost by 10(15/20) for 2 turns.
1-2 hits - Buffs Bonus by 20(25/30) for 2 turns.
0 hits - Buffs Bonus by 40(45/50) for 2 turns.

4 turn increasing Bonus nerf over time effect. -7(-8/-9) per turn.
(-7 -> -14 -> -21 -> -28 -> expired)
Nerfs enemy ImmoRes by -50 and chance for 2 turn stun
1 turn stun

Enemy BtH nerf over time. Starts at -40(-45/-50) and decreses by 10 per turn.
(-40 -> -30 -> -20 -> -10 -> expired)

In other news I did a few more revamps for Lagos. Robina's shops will have a bunch of higher level items for you guys. Hopefully that will tide you all over since I've done about all I can for right now. I'll revisit the planet in the future but I need to focus on some new stuff. Enjoy the F001 and I look forward to hearing what you guys think of it.