Thursday, August 12, 2010
Friday the 13th Notes
Soo-o-o-o-o this Friday (tomorrow) is Friday the 13th! The MQ Newsletter has gone "to the presses" so keep an eye on your email inbox (or on the forums) - while you're waiting for that news, you should log in to AQWorlds (or make your account if you haven't already) to pick up your Marshmallow on a Stick! Then, don't forget - at 6PM Server Time (Eastern Time) on Friday - George Lowe (best-recognized as the voice of************ Space Ghost* ) and One-Eyed Doll and Voltaire will all be at the campfire telling ghost stories! So you should roast your marshmallow at the campfire, check out the ghost stories, and see what happens - then head back to MechQuest for more excitement!
*zapper of Zorak*** ... no, not Zorbak - Zorak**...
** Yes, Space Ghost had Brak on his shows as well
***If Zorak went to G.E.A.R.S, he would totally be in MystRaven. I'm sure of it.****
****My cousin & I are huge Space Ghost fans, from way before I ever met Korin*****
*****Korin might be a bigger George Lowe fan****** than both of us put together
******But I am the biggest Zorak fan******* of all
*******Jemini is a fan of Brak
Our host and guide during the event will be the famous voice actor George Lowe. How did we get him to do this event? NO IDEA! You may recognize his voice from such shows as Space Ghost, Aqua Teen Hunter Force, The Brak Show, Robot Chicken.... which are all registered trademarks of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. A Time Warner Company. (Yay for legal-eze!) Additionally, Voltaire, Kimberly and members of the AQW Team will be doing voice acting during the event too
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