Friday, April 6, 2012
It's no yolk that we've got some eggcziting new Spring Holiday weapons - you'll have to crack the egg to reach the shops inside. You can replay the past years' quests and pick up Holiday Rares, too.
Here is Vivi with the Design-Notes-Friendly specials - thanks to blues for coming up with them and to Vivi for coding them onto the weapons that Minar designed, drew, and animated!
Head (CD = 3):
Good chance for a crit
Each turn, randomly applies one of these effects (good effects go to you, bad effects go to the enemy). The first effect lasts for 3 turns, the second effect lasts for 2 turns and the third effect lasts for 1 turn. Specials listed are NSC (SC,NG)
- general damage boost of 30% (35,40)
- defense boost of 30 (40,50)
- damage reduction of 30% (35,40)
- general BtH boost of 30 (40,50)
- normal (1.5, double) HP DoT
- normal (1.5, double) EP DoT
- blinding effect, -30 (35,40) enemy BtH
- -60 (-70,-80) immo res and stun try
Back Arm (CD = 3):
- Good chance for a crit
- First hit: chance for a double HP DoT
- Second hit: chance to heal Level*1.5 HP
- Third hit: chance to heal Level*1.5 EP
We pushed out a fix to the 0-Damage issue that cropped up on the Egg mechas (and monster) - it was the result of an earlier fix, actually. Similar to those NaN issues Vivi has been fixing.
While I've been writing we've also been fixing little issues that slipped through the initial roll, so BA now really does 3 hits, Egg enemy doesn't NaN its Bonus...
I had hoped also to bring you a new installment of the Romero storyline this week - a few technical difficulties delayed the storyline and quest (which are coming together nicely but not 100% ready) - but we DO have an update!
When you visit Vend-O-Tron, his (its?) shop interface has been streamlined so you don't have to wade through a bazillion weapons to get to the one you want. Many thanks to the ArchKnights of the forums for pointing out this issue!
Have a happy Spring Holiday if you are celebrating in "real life" and enjoy the MechQuest spring holidays in-game!
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