
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Did you remember Earth Day? Seriously?

Earth  Day

That's right. We have a special Earth Day weapon that will be available Thursday April 22nd (Earth Day) until Monday April 26 after the weekend. Some may ask why? Well, I say recycle. Don't believe in Global Warming? That's irrelevant. We can at least be a clean people. Right? Speaking of clean, I stink and require shower.

Also, I fixed the war counter today. Turns out there was a whole 10% missing from the percentage. The victories were right though. So enjoy that.

Also, to give you all a little insight for what's coming this week, Grand Theft Starship. To put it simply, you're stealing a Shadowscythe ship and then you get a choice to do something cool with it. There's also an added bonus. More on that later. Also, the War Boss quest is set up and will be waiting for you at the 100% mark.

Also, we're currently working hard and overtime on the Star Captain Monthly Mecha and we're really trying to release it Friday. Keep in touch for more details.

So please don't miss this week. But if you must, definitely don't miss next week. We're releasing the Maypril Fools Mecha on May 1st. This mech will be available for 1 day only. That means Friday at midnight Eastern Standard Time, until Saturday at midnight, Eastern Standard Time. So all day Saturday you will be able to get your copy of it. I expect we'll have a picture of it soon. Or at least more details.

The May Day weapons will be out for a week so you should have some extra farming time to pick those up. So look forward to that.

Keep in mind that the Rixty Promotional Event will end.... is it this week? Yes. It ends this week. This is your last chance to get the Rixty Bazook through the Rixty Promotion! And yes. I said that right. We will be releasing the weapon for Nova Gems as well after the event has ended but only for 2 weeks. The upside to getting the Rixty card is that you get the Nova Gems and the free item. So don't miss out!

Enjoy your day. And remember, together we can make the earth go from :( to :). So do something for the Earth this week. Or just enjoy it. Because even with everything going on in the world, it's still a heck of a lot better than Jupiter.