Friday, July 11, 2014
Boy Orbitson Missions
Star Date: 11 July, 3014:
Calling all Star Captains! I'm Boy Orbitson, Grad Assistant. I'm up in the Missions Room at the Star Captain's Club. If you are one of the students who is under L25 and feeling like it's the same old grind day after day to try to get ahead, then you will definitely want to check out the missions I've got here. A little something different for some extra experience. Even if you are over L25 you will probably want to give it a run-through, just for laughs.
Happy Birthday, Minar! To celebrate Minar's birthday, light up your battles with the Ornate Blade from the Birthday Shop in Soluna City.
Chaos Is Spreading! There is now a Chaos Weapon shop in Soluna City Main where you can grab weapons! To celebrate the Chaos finale in AQW, this week you can pick up a Chaorrupted E-Blade in Soluna! See HAL in Soluna City East to get your 'hair did!'
Battle Gems PvP!??! Do you live for PvP action? Do you have a mobile device? Get all the info over on the Epic Duel Design Notes by Nightwraith (clicking the link will open a new window)
No device? No problem! You can play BattleGems PvP on Facebook:
Plans, Plans, and More Plans! The MQ team is positively feverish with plans in various stages of completion. Vivi and Lyris are working on the functionality of a super-secret project that we have all been planning out. Besides ironing out the wrinkles on some existing unfinished missions and bringing you updates weekly, we're also putting together some all-new storyline and areas. Looking at wishlists and prioritizing before we actually make a firm timeline. Ash would like to note:
[5:38:40 PM] Ash: That long quests are long and take FOR-EV-ER to build
Yep yep. That they do. Tons of fun - but a lot goes into them. So - have fun, try to focus on achieving a goal (whether in game or in real life), and let us know on the forums and on twitter how everything is going. Thanks so much for playing MechQuest!
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