
Friday, December 17, 2010

Forstval 2009!

Frostval 2009 is back up with many level 45 versions of things. Probably the more controversial and exciting thins, the Zorbo, is back up and will be up until Frostval 09 gets taken down. Currently the plan is to take it down with all of Frostval which is planned for the 9th.

Thanks much to the help of Maegwyn and Vivi for helping out these past couple weeks heavily, I've been able to make a really cool set of minigames that are as of now, completely done. I just need to animate the enemy mech (which will be a reward in the end) and do all sorts of cutscenes. It'll be maybe medium length but highly replayable and will also come with a starmap to replay it and maybe arcades for starships.

In January we'll be moving on to our next little planet which should be a few minigames with a boss battle followed probably by GEARS Games and then we'll be working more on the main storyline(Dragonoid Saga being the main portion of the storyline at this point), probably faster than previously anticipated which means the quest strings may be quicker but the content should be rich in story if done correctly. Recycled monsters may be used and we may start up the custom mech contests to make up for the lack of mechs. We're currently working on the SC mech for January and the Verified mech is nearing completion.

With Maegwyn getting much better at figuring out how quest files work, I may actually be able to have her develop simple quests or at least get them mostly setup for me very soon and with Vivi taking the mech and weapon programming off my back, we can have simple cutscenes to help the story and a higher volume of quests if everything works out. So 2011 could go very smooth.

More info on that as we get closer to it. I still need to come up with a New Years release which might just be the fireworks show and more weapons. We'll sees. Later all. Enjoy your weekend.

Tags: #Korin