

Wednesday, June 21, 2023
StarCaptain Dragonguard

Mecha Models

Supreme Jameson
Silver Token
Silver Token
Silver Token
Silver Token
Adamantine Ultra-Tron C48
Mystraven Elite
Golden Katana C-45
Wrapped Nubertron SC-45
Valoth's Epic Image G40
Birthday Newbatron V1337-B50
Sepulchure of Doom
Frost Viking
Draconic Blazeblade IX
Prototype Accelerator Containment Vessel

Mecha Parts Inventory

Beacon of Frost
Corrupt Crystal Sabre of Stars
Crystal Explosion
Crystal Explosion
Crystal Laser
Crystal Laser
Cursed Tape
Dimensionally Shifted Blade
Ice Crystal Storm
Ice Ten
Necryptos Bloodcrystal
Star BladeMaster Katana
Star Candizan
Star Glass
Staunch Bodyguard
Switch Gun
The Thirteenth Star Blade
Turkey Leg
Ultra OmniKnight E-Blade
Valor Badge
Valoth's Epic Cannon GF4
Valoth's Epic Chomp (SCB)
Valoth's Epic Chomp (SCF)
Valoth's Epic Shredder GB4
Valoth's Epic Vitriol
Vampiric Claymore
Variant LazerHead
X-Boost: Unlimited