
Nick Pyro

Saturday, October 24, 2015
Free Player

Mecha Models

Milziiga Sniegapika NK16 Chassis
Birthday Newbatron V1337-B10
Golden GLaDERP Security A-15
Golden Wrapped Nubertron NSC-15
Golden Valkyrie Prime N-19
Golden Steampunk Model A-1
Golden Wrapped Nubertron NSC-25
Golden Valkyrie Prime N-29
Golden GLaDERP Security A-33
Golden Wrapped Nubertron NSC-35
Golden Steampunk Model A-3
Golden Valkyrie Prime N-44

Mecha Parts Inventory

AI Software Engine
Badge of Gallantry
Bi-Polar Vortex 16 knots
Blade for Lyris
BladeMaster Katana
Blues' Tech Blade
Brickity Brack 16
Crystal Sabre of Stars
Cursed Tape
Earth Day Solar Panels NSC15
Energy Burst
Gianna's Thorn
Giblet Skewer
Mauve Candle
Minar's Ornate Blade
OmniKnight E-Blade
Pro Snow Day Launcher 3014
Rapier of Plasma Charge
Relic Sword
Rose Shooter
Standard Ghost Trap
The Brawler
Ultra OmniKnight E-Blade
Valoth's Destructive Blade
Valoth's Epic Anger
Valoth's Epic Bite (B)
Valoth's Epic Bite (F)
Valoth's Epic Cannon NB16
Valoth's Epic Shredder F16